Nominations Opened For 9th Bright Leaf Agriculture Journalism Awards
March 18, 2015

The Bright Leaf Agriculture Journalism Awards for 2015 has officially opened for nominations.

The Bright Leaf Awards honors the most outstanding and relevant agriculture stories that were published or aired on radio and television. It will also celebrate the work of photojournalists who successfully capture, in one snapshot, the essence and the heart of the agriculture industry in the country.

Entries should be published, aired or broadcast locally between Sept. 1 2014 and August 31, 2015. The deadline for submission of entries is September 4, 2015. These are the competition categories:

Agriculture Story of the Year
Agriculture Photo of the Year
Tobacco Story of the Year
Tobacco Photo of the Year
Best Television Program or Segment
Best Radio Program or Segment
Best Agriculture News Story National
Best Agriculture News Story Regional
Best Agriculture Feature Story National
Best Agriculture Feature Story Regional, and
The Oriental Leaf Award.

The Oriental Leaf is a special award given to those who have won a Bright Leaf Award in any category for five years. The Oriental Leaf Awardees become part of an elite group of individuals that comprise the Bright Leaf Hall of Fame.

As part of its efforts to collect more entries every year, the Bright Leaf team will embark on a roadshow across key cities in the Philippines to personally invite local media practitioners to submit their entries and answer any questions they may have about the awards. Again, more provinces and cities will be visited to reach more journalists to participate in the annual competition.

For this 9th year, Bright Leaf roadshows will have special guests who will speak about agriculture issues in the region as well as veteran journalists and members of the academe who will share valuable knowledge with our attendees to help them better their craft.

Bright Leaf is the name given to Virginia Tobacco because it turns into a vivid yellow when it is cured with intense heat. It is the variant of choice for manufacturing tobacco products. It is also a most appropriate name for one of the most competitive agriculture journalism competitions in the Philippines.
And, since there is no fee to enter, journalists can submit as many entries as they want. However, a story cannot be entered in more than one category.

Entries may be in English or any of the Philippine regional dialects. For entries that are not in English, participants are required to provide an English translation.

For more information call the Bright Leaf Secretariat at (0915) 550-8301 or (0918) 413-0797, send an email to or visit

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